Die hier aufgelisteten Quellen sind essenziell für unsere Forschung dar und werden für eigene tiefere Forschungen weiterempfohlen.
- Berlin Memorial Book: the Jewish Victims of National Socialism
Freie Universität Berlin, Zentralinstitut für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, Hrsg. (Publishers); Edition Hentrich. Berlin. 1995. (55,692 entries) - Dachau Concentration Camp Records, 1945
National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized, Record Group 242, National Archives, Washington, DC. Available at no charge via ancestry.com.(160,000 entries) - Death Books of Auschwitz
State Museum of Auschwitz Birkenau, Publishers; KG Saur, München, New Providence, London, Paris 1995. (65,281 entries). - Displaced Persons Cards 1945-1949, Jewish Community of Berlin
Zentralarchiv zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland, Hrsgb. (Publishers), Berlin, 1949. (10,881 entries) Published online by the University of Heidelberg. - Expatriation Lists as Published in the Reichsanzeiger Newspaper 1933-1945
digitalized by Herbert Birett (81,632 entries) - In Memoriam: Dutch War Victims
compiled by G. G. Couwenberg, editors, B.A. Slager, A.L. Wilkeshuis. Oorlogsgravenstichting, The Hague, Netherlands, 1961 (101,467 entries) - Jewish Address Book for Greater Berlin
Goedega Verlags-Gesellschaft m.b.H., Hrsgb. (Publishers); Goedega Verlag, Berlin. 1931. Central and Regional Library of Berlin (Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin) (72,213 entries) - Jewish War Graves
Netherlands War Graves Foundation, Akevoth (1,662 entries) - Juden in Dresden, 1933-1945
Stiftung Sächsische Gedenkstätten, (1,142 entries) - List of Jews who died in Shanghai
Aufbau Newspaper (Publishers), New York, April, 1945 (465 entries) - List of Saint-Cyprien
Bervoets, Marcel; Alice Éditions, Brüssel, 2006 (4,544 entries) - List of Survivors in Berlin
Aufbau Newspaper (Publishers), New York, November, 1945 (2,142 entries) - Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Regime in Germany 1933-1945
Bundesarchiv (Federal German Archives), Hrsg. (Publishers); Koblenz, 2006. (updated, 149, 613 entries) - Shanghai Exile 1938-1947: Jewish Life in Emigration
Armbrüster, Georg; Kohlstruck, Michael; Mühlberger, Sonja, Hrsgb. (Publishers); Hentrich & Hentrich. Teetz, 2000. (8,846 entries) - Shoah-Opfer; Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (DÖW)
Hrsg. (Publishers), Vienna, Austria (61,593 entries) - The German Minority Census of 1939
Bundesarchiv (Federal German Archives), publicly available in the United States at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Leo Baeck Institute in New York, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC (409,183 entries) - World Jewish Congress Collection Database of Survivors
American Jewish Archives, Cinncinnati, Ohio. (51,355 entries) - 1935 Frankfurt Jewish Addressbook with annotations in English and German by Tracing the Past e.V.
In addition to our extensive library of regional memorial books, this bibliography (PDF 575Kb) will give an idea of the titles available to us through archives and libraries.